an educator teaching a student how to use a chainsaw in a forest.


Women's Game of Logging Level 1

  • Thursday, September 5, 2024, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

This course combines a lecture with hands-on experience for students to practice logging safety and newly learned skills.

Women's Game of Logging Level 1 - Game of Logging combines lecture with a hands-on component, so students can practice their newly learned skills. Game of Logging is widely recognized as a leader in logging safety. Game of Logging Level 1 introduces loggers to chainsaw safety & operation as well as open face felling and the techniques to safely use it. Other topics covered include personal protective equipment, bore cutting, pre-planning the fell and understanding hinge wood strength.

Each participant is required to bring the following equipment. Please do not register if you are unable to provide your own gear:

  • Gas-powered Chainsaw (no electric saws)
  • Head Protection
  • Eye Protection
  • Ear protection
  • Chainsaw pant/chaps
  • Sturdy shoes

Register for Women's Game of Logging Level 1




Agroforestry Resource Center (Business Office)
6055 Route 23
Acra, New York 12405

Last updated August 12, 2024