4-H Rural Storytelling Project Banner


​What’s in the Store(y) For You?

  • Monday, August 10, 2020, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Have you ever wondered what rural life means to 4-H members from Ulster, Dutchess, Columbia and Greene Counties? Do you want to see and hear some of their engaging and inspiring personal stories?

On Monday, August 10 from 7pm-9pm the Final Showcase Webinar for the Rural Storytelling Project will be presented via ZOOM. Our thirteen enthusiastic 4-H storytellers will share stories about how their rural community has shaped their life experiences.

In collaboration with Engaged Cornell and Cornell Cooperative Extension, the Rural Storytelling Project was created with the intent of bridging the rural/urban divide in upstate New York. The youth, ages 9-18) participated in seven weeks of workshops where they learned the techniques of storytelling and methods for engaging with their communities with a storyteller mindset.

They also learned how to foster a deeper sense of community engagement, confidence, and collaboration by the use of the acronym EARS -- empathizing with, actively listening to, reflecting on, and sharing the stories of their peers and community. The project promoted diversity and inclusion through the sharing of many different perspectives and experiences.

In the Final Showcase Webinar, our 4-H storytellers will share their final personal projects through presentations, written stories, and video. Each youth has had the opportunity to become a storytelling expert with the guidance from three Cornell University student interns. The Final Showcase Webinar will be hosted by the Cornell interns to help bring light to these 4-H students’ diverse stories!

Register online and be prepared to see mind-blowing and interesting stories from these hardworking and energetic 4-H students! 


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Last updated July 29, 2020