Spring is coming! Get ready to garden with a new series of webinars from Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) followed by a virtual plant sale of those plants featured in the webinars. Gain confidence on how to grow your own vegetable garden, plant a beautiful container garden, grow fresh herbs, and/or attract butterflies with the right plants. Through a series of web lectures taught by experienced CCE Master Gardener Volunteers, let us help your garden grow. You can also purchase the plants that are just right for your garden and interests directly from CCE.
April 10 – Growing Vegetables (webinar)
April 17 – Growing Herbs (webinar)
April 24 – Container Gardening (webinar)
May 1 – Gardening for Butterflies & Moths (webinar)
May 10 – Last Day to Order plants from CCE
May 22 – Plant Pickup in Hudson or Acra CCE offices
These webinars will feature plants available for purchase through CCE and more information about how to order plants will be coming soon.
Please register for each event webinar you wish to attend.
We will cover an overview of where to put the garden, how to prepare the soil, planning what and when to plant seeds or transplants. We will include care of the garden including watering, mulching, fertilizing, weed control, disease and insect control and extending the growing season. A garden resource ‘tool kit’ of reliable web sites will be supplied for future reference.
Instructor: Mary Ann Iaccino
Want to learn how to select, grow and use herbs that usually flourish in our area? Interested in cool plants that can spice up your meals, add fragrance to your garden and lend distinction to your bouquets?Check out the versatile herb.
Instructor: Sue Charbonneau
April 24 – Container Gardening
No matter how big or small your space maybe, there is always room for container gardens. Container gardens add beauty to your environment, they can establish a focal point or can be used to add interest and beauty to entrances. Most any plant is suitable to be grown in a container and most anything is suitable as a container. The options are limitless. Learn different ways to best plant a container garden that you can enjoy during the summer months and well into the fall and winter.
Instructor: Linda Levitt
May 1 – Gardening for Butterflies & Moths
Butterflies and moths are beautiful and fascinating creatures. This talk will focus on the wide variety of butterflies and moths in our area, as well as the host and nectar plants you can include in your garden to support them.
Instructor: Tim Kennelty
For more info, call (518) 828-3346.
This event is online
Last updated April 27, 2021