A deer standing on one side of a fence looking through to a forest on the other side of the fence.


Minimizing Deer Impacts on Forests

  • Wednesday, May 28, 2025, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Join us at the Clearpool Model Forest to explore options for minimizing deer impacts on forests!

With deer over-browsing preferred native tree seedlings, they are widely seen as the top reason for a decrease in tree species diversity and a decline in forest regeneration, contributing to the invasion of non-native invasive species. We’ll discuss management options including fencing, tree tubes, natural deterrents, slash walls, and more.

In addition, you will learn how to monitor deer browsing at your site using the Assessing Vegetation for Impacts from Deer (AVID) protocol. Connect with us in the woods to learn about the importance of forest regeneration and how to keep your forests healthy, productive, and resilient!

Participants will receive a take-home folder of resources.

Register for Minimizing Deer Impacts on Forests


Sliding Scale, Pay what you can - $10 – $15 - $20


Shane Stevens
Natural Resource Program Coordinator
518-622-9820 ex 118


Green Chimneys, Clearpool Campus
33 Clearpool Road
Carmel Hamlet, NY 10512

Last updated March 18, 2025
