4-H member with rabbit at NYS fair

Connor Stark with his Best of Breed Rabbit at the NYS Fair

NYS Fair

We have been working diligently to offer a Virtual Event and recognition to celebrate our youth and the positive Youth Development that happens at the New York State Fair. Although we are sad that we are not there in person we are excited to be able to share the great things happening across NYS on our website, Facebook and other social media platforms. Join us for some exciting LIVE presentation, sign up to join our robotics challenge, tune it for an hour of code or just sit back and enjoy the slide shows featuring project submissions from across NYS.

All of the slide shows and information about the next couple of weeks can be found on our webpage: https://nys4-h.org/2021-nys-4h-virtual-state-fair?rq=Virtual

Please note that additional items or activities may be added throughout the Virtual Fair time frame, so check back often to see if there is something new. Additionally, this information has been shared through 4-H Online and all the FB LIVE videos will be uploaded to the webpage for others to view/share as appropriate.

You can also find us and watch our LIVE hands-on activities via FB: https://www.facebook.com/NYS4H

Below is the LIVE schedule as well as information on how to sign up for our robotics challenge or the Statewide Hour of Code.

Monday, August 23rd
@ 7:00 PM

Bean in a BottleSupplies: 1 empty plastic bottle, Scissors, String, Water, Potting Soil, Bean Seed (or other large seed)

Tuesday, August 24th
@ 12:00 PMEgg Carton CaterpillarSupplies: egg carton (paper will work better than foam), Markers or Paint, 2 pipe cleaners, Black permanent marker

Wednesday, August 25th
@ 7:00 PMMake Your Own ButterSupplies: Jar with a Lid, Heavy Cream

Thursday, August 26th
@ 6:00 PMDesign Your Own FarmSupplies: Paper, Pencil, Ruler, Colored pencils, markers or crayons.

Monday, August 30th
@ 7:00 PM
My PlateSupplies: Paper Plate, Paper, Scissors, Pencil, Food Circular/Ad or colored pencils, markers or crayons to draw food.

Tuesday, August 31st
@ 12:00 PMSick or Well: How Can You Tell?Supplies: A pet, Preferably a dog or a cat OR stuffed animal, Pen or Pencil, Symptom chart, flashlight

Wednesday, September 1st
@ 6:00 PMCreate Your Own Vision BoardSupplies: Poster Board, Magazines or printed photos, Glue, Tape, Stickers. Scissors

Thursday, September 2nd
@ 7:00 PMFresh ChefsWatermelon SlushSupplies: 1-pint strawberries, crowns removed and sliced, 2 cups seedless watermelon, cubed, 1/3 cup sugar, 2 cups ice, 1/3 cup lemon juice

Monday, September 6th
@ 7:00 PM
Meditation in a BottleSupplies: Plastic Bottle with a cap, clear glue or glitter glue, Glitter – use multiple colors and sizes for an interesting bottle, hot water


Code a finch robot from home and watch online as your robot executes your code!

August 27th: Create living art mural

September 2nd: Attempt online obstacle course

Sign up by August 26, 2021.

This year teams or individuals can compete at our state robotics challenge. Create art or attempt the obstacle course or both! Challenges are ready for new and experienced coders.

Register for a 2 hour time slot where you will learn to code finches and then try the challenge along with youth from across the state.

For more information contact Kat Leo at kal64@cornell.edu


Celebrate 4-H Virtual State Fair

WEDNESDAY, August 25 @ 6PM

Hour of Code is an introduction to computer science, designed to demystify “code” and show that anyone can learn together the basics to be a maker, a creator, an innovator!

This program is for youth ages 7-12 and requires an adult chaperone to join.

Use this zoom link to register https://cornell.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYocOqsrTsoGt1C699vLHETns85bD3LQCiM

Last updated August 23, 2021