Master Gardeners love to garden. They are neighbors teaching neighbors about best gardening practices. Master Gardeners teach classes and workshops, provide the community with expert advice, and work with partners on community gardening projects accross both Columbia and Greene Counties.
To become a Master Gardener, one must successfully complete the training course and volunteer 150 hours within a 2-year period.
Anyone who enjoys gardening, has a desire to share skills, and who can volunteer is encouraged to apply.
We're now accepting applications for the Class of 2024. Training begins in March. Submit your application as soon as you can to assure your placement in the course. Full scholarships are available to those who are likely to volunteer in under-represented communities.
Send any questions about MG Training to Xandra Powers at [email protected].
***Please contact the Master Gardener Volunteer Program Coordinator in the NY county where you reside if interested in applying to the MGV program. To find the contact person for your county search by the County Name along with Cornell Cooperative Extension then look under Gardening tab. For NYC counties contact either West Chester or Nassau County.
Master Gardener volunteers research and answer horticulture questions during office hours, design and maintain demonstration gardens/ projects, write articles about gardening, staff the county fair horticulture information booth, speak to small public groups, and develop and run community improvement projects.
Xandra Powers
Community Horticulture Coordinator
[email protected]
518-828-3346 x106
Last updated May 30, 2024